We unravel:

If sales forecasts are running short of expectations, it’s human nature to point towards factors outside of our control, such as conflicting demand signals from sellers or a shaky market.

Sales teams must also explore internal reasons to why deals stall or are lost and initiate remedial actions where necessary.

In most cases, issues arise because of a sub-optimal process, or no process at all, affecting one or more key areas.

A simple, well-structured approach using root cause analysis and problem solving provide a clear view and important starting point.

True root causes nearly always impact more than one problem.

The more thorough the analysis, the wider the potential improvement and the broader the impact of remedial actions on the bottom line.

Read this Guide for a fuller description, with examples that illustrate how to perform the process in practice.

achieve accurate forecasting with effective problem solving

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A simple, well-structured approach using root cause analysis and problem solving provides a clear view and important starting point for any potential risk