We unravel:

There are only two reasons for losing a sale: you were outsold or you shouldn’t have been there in the first place. If you’re going to lose, lose quickly.

The best salespeople win 7 out of 10 deals. This is not by magic. It is because they refuse to bid on sales they cannot win.

Qualification is not a “bid, no-bid” process. The real purpose of qualification is to identify sales meetings and to measure success by the quality of commitments gained from the customer to progress the sale.

Our eBook will show you how to:

  • Apply the SCOTSMAN® checklist to qualify potential sales
  • Identify potential or actual ‘Showstoppers’ – the deal killers
  • Ask the difficult qualification questions
  • Recognise quit points
  • Improve your hit rate
  • Create the luxury of choice

The best salespeople win 7 out of 10 deals

Get Your Free Guide Now!

Learn how to use the SCOTSMAN® qualification tool that has been used by thousands of successful salespeople to plan and win sales